Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Dam" Good Trail Race - Letchworth State Park

I had been planning on taking it easy for the two weeks leading up to the Green Lakes Endurance Runs 50k.  I kind of blew that idea.  A few weeks ago I was talking with a friend about the "Dam" Good Trail Race, a 14 mile out and back at Letchworth State Park.  It really sounded like a good idea, but I know I need to taper before the 50k.

So late last night I get a text message that says "See you in the morning, Sleep Well!"  So I'm expected at the race and I hate to disappoint a nice young lady, I'm running the "Dam" Good Trail Race. 

I woke up at 5:00 am to a roaring thunderstorm dropping buckets of rain.  PERFECT WEATHER FOR A TRAIL RACE!  I grabbed a Pepsi Throwback (Real Sugar, no high-fructose corn syrup), a pack of Pop-Tarts and a cup of coffee and hit the road.

I showed up and of course the race site was a soupy mess.  Nice and slick, just the way I like it.

Since I am tapering I planned to run this very slowly, taking lots of walk breaks.  I wasn't even concerned if I finished dead last.  I set out on a nice easy pace and enjoyed the scenery.

About two miles into the run I hit an unavoidable puddle and stepped on a root or rock rolling my left ankle.  I got that nice, sharp pain that ran up to my knee.  I take a few more steps and it doesn't feel too bad.  A few hundred years up someone moves to the right side of the trail so I can pass.  My left foot hit just off the trail and starts to slide.  My already sore ankle can't take it and I slide off of the trail and start heading down a steep embankment.  Luckily I grab a tree and don't fall too far.  I'm a muddy mess and the ankle hurts.

I limp about a quarter mile to the first aid station and they help me wash my hands and now soaked handheld water bottle.  My ankle hurts, but not too bad.  I can keep going.

I move along pretty good until about mile six when my ankle start getting stiff.  This causes me to slow down a bit and alter my gait.  Not a good sign.  I make it through the turn around point and start headed back.  I'm moving slow, but still running.  At mile ten the pain takes over and I start walking.  I pretty much decide to walk it in with a few bits of running.

About mile thirteen I really run into problems.  By this point I had been on the trail much longer than I expected.  My inadequate breakfast and lack of food on the trail is starting to take an effect.  I'm tired and my calves are starting to cramp up.  I'm feeling seriously deflated.  I quickly massage and stretch my calves and decide to run the last mile in.  I finished in a horrible 3+ hour time, but I finished.  I wasn't even dead last.

As bad as the run was, I did learn a lot from it.  The biggest thing is I need to be smarter when taking a longer run.  Eat food of substance beforehand.  Bring extra food with me in case my time gets extended.  Instead of water I should have been using a sports drink.  I'm sure this contributed to my cramping at the end of the run.

A second thing is I need to respect my taper.  There is no good reason to run a 14 mile trail race in tough conditions the week before an ultra.  I tired myself out and risked injury for no good reason.  I really need to be smarter going forward.

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