Monday, August 16, 2010

Signed Up For Green Lakes Endurance Run

I have signed up for the Green Lakes Endurance Run 50k race.  It is two weeks away on August 29, 2010 and will be my first ultra.  I've been thinking about running this for a few weeks but I've been unsure of myself.  When I looked at the registration I saw that they are allowing 125 runners and 124 had signed up.  I figured if I'm going to do it, I better just jump in.

I'm nervous about the race.  I don't know how I will perform.  I guess this is pretty normal though.  I plan to run the race very conservatively and not convern myself with time.  I will walk all the uphills and take frequent breaks.  I will stop at the aid stations and ensure I am drinking and eating enough.  May main objective in this race is to gain knowledge and experience and have some fun.  I want to figure out what works for me and what doesn't. 

The Green Lakes 50k is set up as a 12.5 km loop.  You have to complete four loops to finish.  There will also be a 100km running at the same time.  I've discussed the course with a couple of veterans and I'm getting mixed answers.  A female runner from the Runnersworld forums says that there is nothing particularly hard about the course, but there is one steep, short uphill that I should consider walking.  Of course she ran the 100km last year in 11:51:xx finishing as the third woman.  My running partner from yesterday ran the 50k version and said it was a challenging course because even though the uphills weren't steep they were fairly long.  Also, the section called "The Serengehti" is completely out in the open and can be an issue if the sun is shining.

Either way, I'm registered and believe I can cover the 50 km.  I don't even care if I'm dead last, as long as I finish and learn something.

Since the race is two weeks away I am going to start my taper now.  No more long runs until race day.  I plan to alternate days of rest with easy runs in the four to six mile range.  I want to do enough where I won't lose fitness, but little enough to go into the race rested and hopefully (mostly) pain free.

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