Thursday, August 12, 2010

I've Been Resting - Bought a Foam Roller for Hip Pain

After my run in Casy Park the other day I realized that my hip has really been sore.  I believe it is a case of bursitis.  Because of that I've decided to take a few days off from running to get some rest and heal up.  Tonight I will join the Remington's Run for the five mile loop.  For those of you that don't know, the second Thursday of every month Remington's Bar (on Merchants Road) and Fleet Feet put on a nice little event.  You meet there at 6:00 and run either 2, 3 or 5 miles and return to the bar where they have free food and drink specials.  It's a pretty good time.  You should try it.

For the last three days I haven't run but I've been walking a few miles here and there. In addition I bought a Foam Roller and I've been using it twice a day. I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised with the results. I've heard a lot of people talk about their rollers and how great they are but I was very skeptical. I'm not anymore. The first time I used it my hip pain was gone after about ten minutes. I could walk, squat and climb stairs without pain. Of course the pain came back a short while later, but it was less intense. Between the foam roller and three days rest I feel really good. I an looking forward to tonight's run.

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