Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Quaker Pond Trail Loop - Mendon Ponds

Tonight I went for a run with a friend on a trail I've never done before.  She's coming back from an injury so the plan was to do a few miles on a nice, easy path.  I read through the Monroe County website and found the description on the Quaker Pond Trail Loop at Mendon Ponds.  It said: 

"This is 2.7 mile easy trail over level terrain. Beavers have been active in this area for many years. As you cross the wooden footbridges over moving water, look around for evidence of felled trees, dams, lodges and even a beaver meadow. There are also three observation points offering great views of the pond and waterfowl viewing, especially during migrations. You will see wildflowers, ferns, sedges, rushes, and an interesting variety of shrubs. No pets or horses allowed."
Sounded perfect.  We took the trail with a nice easy pace.  Running on a level trail felt pretty good after all the hills I've been running lately.  We ran easily and chatted.  It was a nice path with good views.  It seemed like we passed deer on every other turn.  There were several momma deer out with their fawns.  Very cute.

What the description of the trail failed to mention was that it leads you through a swamp.  The trail itself was solid, but either side was mush.  It was hot and humid and I expected a lot of bugs, but it wasn't too bad.  I saw a lot of frogs (or toads?) on the path.  Maybe that helped with insect control.

After running 5 miles we started to walk, then decided to walk another loop.  We ended up with five miles of running and 3.25 miles walking.  All together almost two hours on my feet, but very low stress.  By the end of the walk I felt pretty refreshed and I know my body will feel good tomorrow.  I believe taking a walk after a run helps me recover faster. 

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