Sunday, August 1, 2010

Good, Long, Slow, Trail Run. Exceeded Marathon Distance.

I haven't been able to run the last few days.  Between thunder storms and coaching baseball it has been hard to get free time.  Yesterday was the last baseball game so I'm being set free.

This morning I had planned to run the 1.2 mile path at the Helmer Nature Center in Irondequoit.  It is a relatively flat, unexciting trail, but it is close to home and the small loop makes it easy to set up a personal aid station.  I planned to run for five hours.  Upon arriving at the nature center I noticed LOTS of cars.  Apparently there was a softball tournament or something going on.  I don't like crowds and decided to drive to Mendon Ponds Park where I know I'll be mostly alone.

I decided to run multiple laps of the East Esker Trail/North Meadow Trail.  I do this loop frequently.  It is 6.59 miles and most of it is the path used in the Mendon Ponds 50k in November.  Today I ran it in the opposite direction of the race.  I don't know why, just felt like it.

This path is very hilly and fairly tough.  To use it for my long run I have to be smart about it.  I decided to run it as I would in an ultra.  That meant walking the uphills, running the flats easily and hammering the downhills.  After each lap stopped at the car, refilled my water bottle and grabbed a peanut butter sandwich.  I need to get used to eating while running.

The run itself was uneventful.  I didn't press too hard.  I slowed down a few times when I passed hikers with dogs.  I was afraid of getting the pups excited and getting bit.  I had one older couple make a comment when I passed them the third time.  It was cute watching them walk holding hands.  I know that I need to work on walking uphill faster and have to practice running again after walking.  All in all, it felt pretty good.

In the end I completed 4 loops for 26.36 miles in just over 5 hours.  It is the first time I've exceeded marathon distance.  I could have run further.  I could have run faster.  I don't think I could have done both.  My right Achilles tendon is a little sore, but not too bad.  My shoulders and lower back feel tight.  Nothing that will stop me from doing a light recovery run tomorrow.  A little ice and ibuprofen can't fix it.

As much as I enjoy coaching baseball I am glad the season is over.  It's hard to get runs in when three days a week are tied up.  Now there is nothing stopping me from getting out every day.

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